Bücs Szilárd, Barti Levente, Szodoray-Parádi Farkas

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A kiválasztott kulcsszó: ősz - toamnă - Autumn


Talált cikkek száma: 3

Jére Cs., Dóczy A., Szántó L. (2005): Denevérek őszi aktivítása a Vargyas-szorosban (Keleti Kárpátok, Románia). Proceedings of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Conference of Bat Conservation in Hungary, Magyar Denevérkutatók Baráti Köre, p. 153-155.

Jére Cs. (2006): Activitatea liliecilor din Cheile Vârghişului în perioada de împerechere - cum putem să utilizăm datele pentru monitorizare? First Conference on Bat Conservation in Romania, Book of Abtracts, Ed. Romanian Bat Protection Association, p. 7. [PDF]

Jére Cs., Barti L., Dóczy A., Szodoray-Parádi F., Szántó L., Bücs Sz. (2008): Swarming activity of bats in the Vârghiş Gorge - An important site for the Estern Carpathians (Romania). Abstract. XIth European Bat Research Symposium, 18-22 August, 2008, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, p. 76. [PDF]

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