Bücs Szilárd, Barti Levente, Szodoray-Parádi Farkas

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A kiválasztott kulcsszó: éves dinamika - dinamică anuală - annual dynamics


Talált cikkek száma: 2

Coroiu I., Viehmann I., David A. (2006): Dinamica multianuală a liliecilor în Peştera Huda lui Papară în perioada de iarnă. First Conference on Bat Conservation in Romania, Book of Abstracts, Ed. Romanian Bat Protection Association, p. 4. [PDF]

Murariu D., Decou V., Gheorghiu V. (2004): Bat specific structure over the year in the Gura Ponicovei Cave from South-Western Carpathians (Romania). Travaux du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa", XLVII: 315-323. [PDF]

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